Detour de Force

Nadine’s task, distracting the security guard, becomes a lot harder after a loud crash echoes from the bank. She follows the guard inside, using her training in misdirection to twist his path and buy time for her crew to escape. What do the two of them see when they finally reach the vault?

  1. Reunion attendee (7)
  2. Crowd-sourced fare (7)
  3. Unable to sit still (5)
  4. Bottle that sounds offensive? (4)
  5. Allegations (6)
  6. Pleased (4)
  7. Like some Broadway boots? (5)
  8. Animated fish (4)
  9. Requirement for many exchange students (4)
  10. Hives, for example (4)
  11. Large protist found in forests (4)
  12. Took part in a cross-country race (5)
  13. Alternative to Linux (7)
  14. Game with 20 legal opening moves (5)
  15. A piece of cake for dieters? (5)
  16. Narrowly secure (a victory) (6)
  17. Hardens, like a resin (5)
  18. Pocket for ink or venom, perhaps (3)
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